パワーハウスミュージアムのインスタグラム(powerhousemuseum) - 8月19日 11時26分

Happy #WorldPhotoDay! To celebrate, stop by the Sydney Observatory to check out some amazing astronomy photographs in the exhibition Winning Sky Photos: The David Malin Awards 2016. The exhibition showcases the top entries from the David Malin Awards astrophotography competition, held annually by the Central West Astronomical Society and open to amateur astronomers and photographers from around Australia. The photographs are judged by world-renowned astrophotographer Dr David Malin. The competition aims to encourage photographers to use their vision, imagination and skill to produce inspiring and beautiful images of the sky. Exhibition on now until 30 October 2016. Find out more on our website.
Image credit: 'The Milky Way over Bonnie Doon’ by Neil Creek. #photooftheday #potd #astrophotography #astronomical #photography #milkyway #sydneyobservatory #bonniedoon #howstheserenity

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