ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 9月8日 22時00分

“What makes climate change difficult is that it is not an instantaneous catastrophic event,” President @Barack Obama told @ニューヨーク・タイムズ in an exclusive interview last week. “It’s a slow-moving issue that on a day-to-day basis people don’t experience and don’t see.” More than health care, more than righting a sinking economic ship, more than the historic first of an African-American president, @Barack Obama believes that his efforts to slow the warming of the planet will be the most consequential legacy of his presidency. But he acknowledged that his rallying cry had not galvanized Americans. Last week, the @nytvideo journalist @ajchavar captured this view out the window of Air Force One over Midway Atoll. A naval battle off this remote spit of land in the middle of the Pacific Ocean changed the course of World War II 74 years ago. @Barack Obama visited to help draw attention to a quieter war — one he has waged against rising seas, freakish storms, deadly droughts and other symptoms of a planet choking on its own fumes. Visit the link in our profile to watch the exclusive @ニューヨーク・タイムズ interview. #climatechange


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