雅-MIYAVI-のインスタグラム(miyavi_ishihara) - 9月29日 07時01分

#Repost @melodyishihara Lovelie has been writing pages and pages of letters to her adult self. It's meant to be written when she is young so that she can open them up and read them when she is all grown up. Here is a page I found which I just could not stop from sharing. The theme is "If I were a leader in my country, what would I do to make this world a better place?" She answers: 1. Anyone can do many things. It does not matter if girl or boy does skateboard, ballet, gymnastics. Who says girls and boys can't do other things? 2. Be respectful to others even in an argument. 3. We need high school and college to be free! It's too expensive. Make it cheaper. " ...... This is coming from a 7 year old. ? I believe that even children know and understand about fundamental issues such as gender equality, education and even temperament and respect toward each other. We have many conversations about issues which are discussed on the news especially concerning this presidential election. I usually avoid touching on this, but I feel so strongly that we have to vote this year in America. #vote #election


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