ビジー・フィリップスのインスタグラム(busyphilipps) - 11月10日 01時35分

I needed to post an image that makes me happy. I am totally devastated by what's happened and the message that it sends to people of color, the lgtbq community, to immigrants, to survivors of sexual assault, to women and girls, to little boys... But then I look at these amazing people I've brought into the world and I believe. I believe that the future they will grow up to fight for will be the one with room at the table for everyone, not just the lucky ones who were born in the right zip code. I believe we can make a difference. I believe in volunteering and helping others when and where you can. I do not believe in apathy. I will not believe that hate has a hold of us as a country. We are all parents and children and families trying our fucking best. We got this. I believe we will be ok. I have to believe that because of the little people I take care of every day and am trying to raise to have respect and passion and understanding. I believe in them. I believe in us. I believe we will rise out of this stronger. And as soon as I stop crying, I'm gonna figure out how... ✌?


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