レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 11月12日 11時43分

I've been silent on this issue for the simple reason that I haven't given it enough attention. A part of me wants to keep a blind eye to the injustice happening around us because there is just so much of it - I sometimes end up tuning the media out because it makes me feel hopeless. But fact of the matter is that there is a horrifying abuse of power happening under our very noses and the media is completely silent on the issue. The Dakota Access Pipeline will rip through ancient lands and contaminate the drinking water of over seven million people if completed. The build is currently at a halt thanks to the huge efforts of the people working tirelessly to protect these sacred lands.
THERE IS HOPE. And together we are powerful. But the camp needs more support - YOUR support. Taking a stand for standing rock is taking a stand for Mother Earth and our collective future! Here is how to get involved:
Go to www.standwithstandingrock.net to donate, take action and sign the petition to Stand with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline from ripping through these ancestral homelands. Link in bio - every dollar you can donate counts to help the cause, but even more importantly: sign the petition, share this message and speak up! We're all in this together???? #nodapl #standingrock #pachamama #fight


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Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
