Keith Ladzinskiのインスタグラム(ladzinski) - 11月23日 08時32分

Wood storks were once abundant in South Florida, but extensive draining and development of the #Everglades in the 1960s reduced the population to less than 500 pairs by 1995. Though habitat restoration efforts have led to a slow recovery, heavy rains and higher water are inundating stork nesting grounds. Ocean sea levels rising are only making nesting more difficult for the #WoodStork, reducing nest habitat even further. Its all climate change driven, fueled by a rising heat index and happening quickly. Even banks have stopped giving loans for new property development along many coastlines because it's an undeniable fact that the ocean sea levels are rising up. To learn more about how climate change is affecting our national parks please check out my story in the December issue of @ナショナルジオグラフィック - it was an exciting story to photograph, but one that definitely made me stare our current situation head on. If we as a collective group don't start making better decisions we are in for a dark future.

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