ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 11月27日 23時08分

Life at the end of the world can be lonely. The gauchos who work on Isla Grande — the largest of the Tierra del Fuego islands in #Chile, at the tip of South America — might not see another human for weeks at a time. They see horses, dogs and sheep, thousands of sheep. And so they mark time by the length of the sheep’s woolly coats. Each year around this time, the gauchos — cowboys and shepherds — leave behind their portable huts on the grassy, wind-swept steppes and use horses to help drive their #flocks home to the large ranches that dot the island. Tomas Munita photographed horses helping shepherd sheep on Isla Grande, an island in Chile that is actually closer to Antarctica than to Santiago, the country’s capital. Visit the link in our profile to see more photos from the end of the world. #nytweekender #? #?


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