ケイト・ボスワースのインスタグラム(katebosworth) - 11月30日 21時11分

Robin Wright, Photographed by Peter Lindbergh for Pirelli 2017. She has long been someone I have admired, from the moment I first saw her in "The Princess Bride." I truly believe she has only gotten more and more beautiful. Peter photographed her, and other powerful women, in their natural state of beauty. I have not seen anything more pure and captivating in a long time.

Here is a statement from Peter Lindbergh regarding this collaboration: “In a time when women are represented in the media and everywhere else, as ambassadors of perfection and youth, I thought it was important to remind everyone that there is a different beauty, more real and truthful and not manipulated by commercial or any other interests, a beauty which speaks about individuality, courage to be yourself and your own private sensibility... My aim was to portray women in a different way, and I did it by calling in actresses who’ve played an important role in my life, getting as close as possible to them to take my photos. As an artist, I feel I’m responsible for freeing women from the idea of eternal youth and perfection. The ideal of perfect beauty promoted by society is something that simply can’t be attained.”


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