OFI Australiaのインスタグラム(ofi_australia) - 1月25日 16時50分

Orphaned orangutans Holland and Doris are 2 of the smallest orangutans in OFI Care Centre's infant nursery, Pondok Danielle. Despite their size they are brave explorers and have lots of fun playing and learning in the Jungle Gym. | Image credit: @orangutanfoundationintl | If you would like your photo's featured by us please tag your images with #ofi_australia and we will credit you! ?
? OFIA Founder: Kobe Steele ? kobe@ofiaustralia.com | OFIA Patron and Ambassador: @drbirute @orangutanfoundationintl | OFIA Volunteers: Clare @clarelh89 | www.orangutanfoundation.org.au ?
#orangutan #orphan #infant #rescue #rehabilitate #release #BornToBeWild #Borneo #Indonesia #oficareandquarantinecentre #orangutans #savetheorangutans #sayNOtopalmoil #palmoil #deforestation #destruction #rainforest #environment #nature #endangeredspecies #endangered #wildlife #orangutanfoundationintl #ofi #drbirute #ofi_australia #ofia #fosterparent #FosterAnOrangutanToday


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