キャメロン・ラッセルのインスタグラム(cameronrussell) - 1月29日 07時49分

UPDATE: REMEMBER THIS MOMENT. WE ARE STRONG! FEDERAL JUDGE GRANTS STAY, HALTS IMMIGRATION BAN /// The rally & vigil will continue into the evening at JFK. "After a huge public outcry, Iraqi refugee Hameed Khalid Darweesh was released from detention at JFK this morning. But at least eleven others are still reportedly being detained right now, after officials there immediately instituted Donald Trump's #MuslimBan.
In addition to the refugees being held, it is being reported that visa-holding visitors and green card holders from affected countries are also being denied entry at airports across the nation. And there are countless other individuals and families across the world who are wrongfully having their ability to travel restricted because of Trump's illegal and immoral Muslim ban." Via @mpowerchange (image via LAkauffman on Twitter)


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