ステラ・マッカートニーのインスタグラム(stellamccartney) - 3月26日 20時47分

As Mother's Day arrives here in Britain, I need to pause and reflect on my Mother. The depth to which she has inspired my life is unimaginable. She was a mum with unconditional love, she was a true beauty inside and out. Comfortable in her own skin and her sense of style was like no one else around, which inspired me to try to not be anyone I am not in my life and her natural confidence is at the core of my principles and dreams for all the Stella women I touch through my work. Her love of animals inspired my responsible beliefs and along with dad, they taught me to look at the world around me and to serve it and respect it in all I do. I look at my babies and as their mum all I want is to be as great as my mother was to me. I love you Linda Louise. x Stella


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