ブリー・ラーソンのインスタグラム(brielarson) - 4月1日 09時03分

I used to DJ. It was the "real" job that floated me while I auditioned for the movies I never got. Even during the filming of Short Term 12 I spun records at magazine parties and hotel bars on weekends because I couldn't survive off of SAG minimum. I loved rare foreign covers of Beatles songs, Ye-Ye girls, and soul. Drunk dudes would request trap and I'd tell them "Sorry I only play vinyl." I was hustling, but I got people dancing and hung with my other DJ friends. I'm grateful for where I am now, but want to give a toast to the life I lived before. To all the dreamers with day jobs, I see you, don't give up. There is beauty in your journey. ?#fbf


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