ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月10日 12時37分

“For me, the circus is a magic show that appears and disappears like a world. A circus is disturbing. It is profound.” — Marc Chagall ? In a world of distractions, the @ringlingbros circus found it impossible to compete with cellphones, video games and endless, on-demand entertainment. Now, in its last days, many performers and crew members are looking back with pride, grief and a sense of disbelief that “the greatest show on earth” is going dark for good. One such figure: Johnathan Lee Iverson, photographed here by @nytmills. He’s spent 18 years and 5 months as ringmaster with @ringlingbros; the circus is where he got married, welcomed a son and daughter, saw the world unfurl through the window of a train and adopted an extended family of international circus performers. “I wear the moniker of circus freak with pride,” he says. Visit the link in our profile to read more about @ringlingbros’ plans to fold up the big tent after a 146-year run.

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