Katrin Tanja Davidsdottirのインスタグラム(katrintanja) - 4月15日 06時29分

April 14th: Today is their 'Chocolate day' ?✨ This day is first day they ever met, downtown Reykjavik outside a dance they were both going to. My grandpa; saw the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen come out of the taxi with her friend. My grandma; had been HOPING for WEEKS that that boy, who was such a good dancer, would ask HER to dance ??
That night my grandpa had a bar of chocolate in his pocket & asked her if she would like some. She said yes (bahahaha this would NOT work on me but ohhkay back to the story). Then they danced all night & two months later they were shopping together for pots & pans & the reeeeeest is history ?❤️
April 14th 2016 is also the last day my grandma was alive & consious & we had her with us & you BET my grandpa brought her flowers & a bar of chocolate ?❤️?This day is a day we celebrate. ✨?


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