サマンサウィルスのインスタグラム(samanthawills) - 4月18日 12時04分

??INTERVIEW: @huffingtonpost
I much prefer to be interviewed as a Entrepreneur, rather then a designer. Even though I am bluffing my way through life with both titles(!), I prefer to be interviewed on my experience & learnings
in business, because I frankly don't give a shit on what the 'hottest color of next season' is going to be. What I DO care about, is working collectively to empower other business people, specifically young women in business. I care about conscious kindness on a daily basis & how you treat every person that cross' you path, and I care providing realistic transparency in an industry and a day & age that is over saturated with only glamorous stories, filtered images, & a highlight reel narrative that makes anyone
looking in from the outside in, feel like they must be doing something wrong if their life doesn't look that way.


Thankyou Huffington Post, this is one of the most enjoyable interviews I have done in a long time. - SWx

READ FULL INTERVIEW: bit.ly/SWhuffpost ?@Optus


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