クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 4月21日 01時19分

It's hard to describe the Joy of returning. I grew up traveling here a lot as a kid. One of my first rolls of film ever was shot here with my Grandpa. My dad is buried maybe an hour away.. in a cemetery outside Las Cruces. It has always been a little bitter sweet coming out this way. But age has given me perspective & confidence that I can put a lot of beauty out in the world. Photography has even helped heal some wounds I didn't really know were there. For me it has been so much more than just a career.. it's a tool to communicate. Some days it seems like the only language I know... or at least the one I'm the best at speaking.

I've been a bit obsessed with this photo series ..( as you can tell) but coming back to see this place in its full glory with the platform to inspire others to see it for themselves is what it's all about for me.


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