ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月3日 00時55分

Photo by @christianziegler A young iguana (Iguana iguana) sunbathing at midday on Isla Coiba, Central America’s largest uninhabited island (some 500 square kilometers). Coiba sits just off the Pacific coast of Panama - it is a truly unique place with many endemic species. It was a penal colony for almost 100 years until 10 years ago, and so it is still covered with lush rainforest that has long gone on the mainland - a time capsule with high conservation value. Together with my colleague @Tim Laman (under water), @peter_houlihan and @pelletk (video). We are working on a celebrational photo essay about Coiba National Park. Our expeditions (four so far) are supported by the International League of Conservation Photographers (@ilcp_photographers), el Ministerio de Ambiente Panama @miambientepma and STRI (stri.si.edu). Fusing scientific exploration and photography to support Coiba’s #conservation. Please look up the Nat Geo online article: ‘How a Deadly Prison Island Became a Natural Paradise’. For updates about our work on Coiba follow me at @christianziegler


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