ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月3日 09時38分

Photograph by @PaulNicklen taken while on expedition in Svalbard, Norway // I am asked all of the time to show proof of the effects of a warming climate on Arctic ecosystems. One of the most shocking ones, was this polar bear I found lying dead on the shore of Spitsbergen. While I was still coming to terms with this loss, I looked up and found a second dead polar bear lying nearby. These two bears died in an area of Svalbard that historically has had sea ice year round. A scientific report was later released that they had starved to death due to a lack of sea ice. There are places in Svalbard that are already ice free for up to 6 months a year and without this floating platform from which to hunt, bears are simply unable to catch seals. For #MoreOcean #follow my 2017 return to Svalbard on my @paulnicklen feed as we continue to document this year's disappearing sea ice and its effects on this polar ecosystem. With @sea_legacy and @Cristina Mittermeier #polarbear


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