ケイト・ナッシュのインスタグラム(katenash) - 5月17日 06時51分

Things Linda has said 2 me ? "did you grow up in the colosseum?!" on leaving the door open? "you know what they say, don't get your feet swept up...or you're never getting married" on getting your feet swept by a street cleaner ? "he took the cookies from the fridge" on boyfriends ?"my little potato" on vaginas "when the cat's away...the mice will dance!" on girlfriends ?"put an egg on it" on burns ? "use a knife" on hiccups ? "the cat is in the oven" ummm on idk ? "you ate the whole thing you fuckin pig!" on toblerones we were supposed to share ? "I need prosciutto" on tour ? @boomvision is the Grace to my Frankie, the Earth Dragon to my Fire Bunny, the Margherita to my pizza, the slash to my AXL LOVE U U ROCK N ROLL LEGEND MATE great day ???


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