ピーター・リンドバーグのインスタグラム(therealpeterlindbergh) - 5月24日 01時30分


Peter initially answered “definitely not” on arrival day, to the demand of some of the class to look at each of their portfolios. “But I changed my mind and gave in,” he explained, “when I understood that this was necessary to link all of us close together and to get as close as possible to everyone in the room.” We all learned a lot from this day. Everyone presented his work, discussed by the whole class and It was unbelievable real and personal when peter analyzed each of the participants with much empathy in a very deep and profound way, with everyone else being there, listening without a noise.

On this second day, one question was often asked to Peter: “CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO CONNECT MY PHOTOGRAPHY TO REALITY?” “I answered this question with an example, about what we did for the 2017 Pirelli Calendar,” said Peter. “I wanted to use the overwhelming media presence of the Calendar and connect it to a concept close to my heart, one that was very much based on reality. I’m very grateful that Mr. Tronchetti, chairman of Pirelli, agreed on this concept, as is it somehow political.” “IN A TIME WHEN WOMEN ARE REPRESENTED IN THE MEDIA AND EVERYWHERE ELSE AS AMBASSADORS OF PERFECTION AND YOUTH, I THOUGHT IT WAS IMPORTANT TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT THERE IS A DIFFERENT BEAUTY, MORE REAL, TRUTHFUL AND FAR FROM ONE MANIPULATED BY COMMERCIAL OR ANY OTHER INTERESTS.

A BEAUTY WHICH SPEAKS ABOUT INDIVIDUALITY, COURAGE TO BE YOURSELF AND YOUR VERY OWN SENSIBILITY.” #PSphotofestival #PSPF2017 #LindberghStories @2bmanagement @gagosiangallery @psphotofestival @pirelli


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