Magnum Photosのインスタグラム(magnumphotos) - 6月7日 23時03分

Abbas selects an image in response to Robert Capa's famous maxim. The signed print is available now. Link in bio. “‘If your photographs aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough,’ Robert Capa famously said.

1979, Tehran: The Shah has left the country. Khomeini has arrived. In a couple of weeks, he will triumph. Young revolutionaries are lynching a woman they believe to be a supporter of the Shah. I run backwards, as fast as the mob, shooting.

Later, while examining my contact sheets, I am reminded of Capa’s iconic photo of a French woman, from the end of WWII. Carrying her baby by a German soldier, she is marched home, her head shaven as punishment.

What do you think, Bob? Was I close enough?” PHOTO: Tehran, Iran. January 25, 1979. © #Abbas/#MagnumPhotos

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