スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 7月12日 06時53分

"Asian small-clawed otters have a very fast metabolism and process their food very quickly (every two to three hours). Because of this, we feed them anywhere from four-to-eight times a day, depending on the season. They receive food from an automatic dispenser overnight. Asian small-clawed otters are very tactile and use their partially-webbed paws to find food. To encourage them to use that natural ability, keepers created puzzle feeders out of PVC tubes by drilling holes into the pipes and placing caps at both ends. Keepers cut fish into small pieces and fill the tubes with the fish. We then scatter the tubes around the yard for the otters to find. This provides them with both physical and mental exercise, as our otter Kevin demonstrates in this photo." - Asia Trail Keeper's Tallie Wiles


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