ジェセニア・バイスのインスタグラム(iamjessenia) - 7月15日 09時13分

Day 23 #100happydays BUILDING ✍? Such a great meeting today @dstarmaker @motivatemeluis @iamclaudiagouveia & thank u once again Claudia for the lunch date we had before that ::hugs:: As for this meeting we all see the VISION & all in it to win it -- The best thing to do when you find yourself in a hurting or vulnerable place is to surround yourself with the strongest, finest, most positive people you know , who support you, who believe in you. Surround yourself with people you can always learn something from. Always work with people that are better at their craft than you are. Who can take your ideas & goals, and make them come to life. I decided to dedicate myself to my endeavors and to surround myself with a solid team. No more one woman show. It's go time. I feel blessed. I feel grateful. #GOJ #artist #meeting #bawselife & Now home unwinding in bed bout to read this new book PERFECT FRIDAY NIGHT


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