ジェセニア・バイスのインスタグラム(iamjessenia) - 7月18日 03時31分

This pic was taken soon as I got off bed rest. I had an etopic pregnancy 2+yrs ago. Being pregnant was a surprise (I was on the ring) I so happy bc it was w my best friend, I wasnt scared not at all. When I went to the ER due to severe pain n sporting , I found out it was etopic n needed emergency surgery I was so sad n scared. I battled w the depression for some time. But I had to look at the upside. My lil baby angel saved me from completely losing my ovaries. I had suffered a miscarriage years prior during my abusive relationship , which he never had me get checked. He just kept trying n trying to get me prego he couldn't figure out why I didn't. Well turned out to damage my insides , tissues build up, scaring & obstruction of my ovarian flow. Had my lil angel baby not happened I woulda become infertile in another year or two is what my doctor told me. Every time I look down at that scar of mine it's bitter sweet. ::sigh:: God is good. U gotta find the good in all that's "bad". I wasn't supposed to have a baby w my abuser nor w my last ex. After I freeze my eggs , I'm getting the arm implant for birth control even though I been none sexually active the last 3 weeks w my ex n ever since he walked out my life , I don't intend to have sex in a looong time. On another note , Fun Fact: It's #WorldEmojiDay !!!! cc: @underground_nyc


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