Rich McCorのインスタグラム(paperboyo) - 7月19日 04時27分

From my travels I can’t think of another city that boasts as many juxtapositions as New York does. You can be swept away on a rush hour riptide in Central Station, or from a lonely bench in Central Park you can quietly appreciate a Lennon melody. Early birds can enjoy a sunrise reserved for them and only a handful of others on Brooklyn Bridge and night owls can march through Times Square to battle selfie sticks and blinding lights. The nostalgic ones can ride the rocky subway to Coney for a glimpse of the 1940’s whilst the adventurous can fly onto Roosevelt island to decipher the abandoned hospital ruins. Even the well travelled will be stunned by the colour changing sunsets at the Top of The Rock, and everyone will shed a tear in the 9/11 memorial museum. Thanks for an incredible experience New York #newyork #nyc #brooklynbridge


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