ハリー・ジャッドのインスタグラム(harryjudd) - 8月1日 20時59分

Handing in the finished copy of #GetFitGetHappy today!! As you can seen I got slightly distracted yesterday by @englandcricket ? so Lola took over and made some last minute corrections.

Writing this book has had its ups and downs as a big part of the book is about my personal struggles with anxiety and OCD. At times I've questioned wether I wanted to share it all. But I believe that if you have experienced mental health problems you can benefit the way I have from exercising. My aim with the book is to make exercise fun, accessible and achievable to everyone and take the focus away from how you look the whole time and focus on how amazing it can make you feel!!! There's no turning back now! ??

#exercise #mentalhealth #fitnessmotivation #bodyweight #fitnessbook #mentalhealthawareness


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