マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 8月2日 21時42分

If you ever want to wake up and feel like you got hit by 17 trucks then dragged around a Lil, just make really dumb bets with your teammates ? AFTER our EIGHT sets of 4's and 3's at around 80% last night, @robhill77ish and I decided HEY LETS SEE HOW MANY C&Js WE CAN DO BEFORE ONE OF US GIVES UP, PASSES OUT OR DIES YEAHHHH! So in "you go, I go" form, we did 110kg/242lbs for... 10. Ten. T E N. Robert, are we stupid or are we dumb. Now onto front squat 10's for this mornings training ok bye #iregreteverything (clip 1 is reps 1-6, clip 2 is 7-10) #IWinRibbert


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



