ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月17日 22時20分

Souleymane Porgo still can’t remember the moment when 6 men knocked him to the sidewalk on a busy street in the Bronx in May. The 48-year-old street vendor was selling books, socks and handbags from his regular spot on East 149th Street. Hours earlier, one of the men had tried to steal a handbag. “Sometimes they would try to do stuff and say they’re coming back for you, but they don’t come,” Souleymane said. But the man did return — with 5 others. One of them dropped Souleymane to the ground with a blow to the head, as 2 of his kids and their mother looked on. Then, as he lay motionless, 2 others punched him in the head. When witnesses went to help, the assailants fled. Souleymane’s jaw was dislocated, his face battered — and, most critical, his skull had been fractured and his brain was swelling. Doctors removed a piece of his skull. “We anticipated things would get worse — and anticipated death,” said Dr. Erico Ramos Cardoso, an ER doctor. The man prosecutors say initiated the attack, William Burgess, surrendered to the police 6 days later; 5 others were soon arrested. In the neighborhood, and then online, the news of the attack stirred outrage. But for now, Souleymane is focused on healing. His recovery has been “miraculous,” Dr. Cardoso said. Last month, after @karstenmoran took this photo, Souleymane had the piece of his skull put back in place.


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