Dutchのインスタグラム(nochtlii) - 8月18日 18時02分

ENERGY✖️➕✖️ I have never felt better the last weeks being on a calorie surplus! Actually from the moment I've been into the fitness industry I was always trying to maintain a lower bodyfat % in order to always be ready for fitness expos and such. I looked great and my abs were coming out more and more.. -
Sometimes I even thought I wasn't looking "lean" enough to go do a meet and greet. I've been realizing more and more that all that time I've been adjusting to the image people have of fitness models. While it's not about that what so ever! It's about health, well being and a better life! ?? Don't let yourself get brainwashed by huge muscles and lean bodies all the time on IG.. There's a greater purpose behind fitness. IT'S CALLED HEALTH?
Wearing the new Athena comfort crop top ? engineered-life.com // 15% off with my code: engineeredbynm.


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