ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月29日 23時59分

Juan Jaramillo went for a jog this morning to survey the damage along Buffalo Bayou in Houston. The Army Corps of Engineers began a controlled water release from the Addicks and Barker reservoirs into Buffalo Bayou early yesterday. A voluntary evacuation order is in place for adjacent residential areas. Tropical Storm #Harvey has Houston and much of the Gulf Coast region waterlogged and impassable, in what @govabbott called “one of the largest disasters America has ever faced.” With roads under water or washed out, and basic services like electricity and water knocked out, it will be weeks before some people can return home, and many of them still don’t know if they will have homes to return to. The photographer @andrewburton11, who took this photo, is one of a number of photographers on #nytassignment in Texas this week. Visit the link in our profile to see a map of the devastation in #Houston, a metropolitan area of 6.6 million.


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