キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 9月7日 23時59分

Queen! Words cannot describe who this woman has been to me. I met her when I was just 9 yrs old on a set. The first thing she said to me was "Don't eat that prop food!" then seconds later told one of the PA's "get this baby some food" ?. Since then she has wrapped me in her arms and showed me what it is to be a woman in charge of her life/career. She showed me how to create my own projects, how to be limitless, how to maintain respect and how to build a legacy for the generations coming after me. She has always encouraged me and supported my work ethic, when no one was watching SHE WAS and that has meant more to me than anyone can imagine. All young people need is for people to believe in them and that's what she has done for me for most of my life. I remember at the Barbershop 2 premiere I walked up to her not sure if she would remember me and she said "Hey niece!" and that's how we been ever since. My hero and my WCW since I was a baby! I love you @QueenLatifah.


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