レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 9月20日 01時44分

Today's practice was FIRE!??? #yogaeverydamnday Day 19 and feeling sooo good. @jessicarydh taught at @island.yoga and I had one of those sessions on the mat where everything was just perfect. My mind at ease, body grounded, awesome sequencing, everything flowing. Know what I'm talking about? One of those yoga sessions that leaving you smiling in Savasana?❤️ It's funny. My body is so different now than pre-pregnancy (obvi) but I love it even more. I'm totally relaxed with the shape I'm in. I can't fit into my old jeans and my boobs will probably never look the same and my thighs rub together in ways they didn't use to. And it's fucking AWESOME. Miraculous, is what it is! This body of mine. I love it so much. Much more than I did back when I had abs that showed and wore little crop tops to teach and fit into a size 4 lululemon. I looked so fit and skinny but I was so unsure and insecure. I don't remember ever looking at myself in the mirror without feeling something had to change. Until now.
Mamahood is bomb. Wherever you are at in your life... Stop trying to change. Your body is perfect. Own it. I wish I could go back and tell my 22-year old self how beautiful she is! I can't, so I'm telling myself now. You should do the same. xo


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Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
