thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 10月10日 01時02分

Photo by Kevin Schafer – @schaferpho @ナショナルジオグラフィック – Quokka mother and baby. Quokkas once ranged across a variety of habitats in western Australia, but like most of that continent’s small marsupials, they have almost vanished from the mainland, falling victim to the sad litany of habitat loss and non-native predators. Happily, despite their endangered status, one population continues to thrive on little Rottnest Island, not far from the city of Perth. Here, with no predators, these little kangaroo cousins are virtually everywhere, pruning the grass, hopping along island pathways, and begging for food from soft-hearted tourists. Here, a mother snuggles with a baby Quokka in the long grass. They have been called “the happiest animals on Earth”, and after a week spent in their company on their island refuge, I am inclined to believe it. #quokkas #rottnest #marsupials #endangeredspecies


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