ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 10月10日 02時51分

Mumbai turns out to be a pretty good place to be a dog. The poorest people living on the streets barely have enough food themselves, but they feed strays. And the rich, well, some go completely overboard. India as a whole has some of the most pro-dog laws on the planet. It’s illegal to kill healthy strays. Some people won’t even call them strays, preferring the more respectful label of “community dogs.” The result? There are millions of them — maybe as many as 30 million across the country. And within #India, Mumbai is considered something of a sanctuary city for them. But that reputation briefly hit a bump after some dogs took a dip in a Mumbai river — and turned blue. Photos of the “Blue Dogs of Mumbai” went viral, and initial news reports speculated that the dogs’ fur had changed because of some weird pollution effects. What was interesting — and moving — was the community efforts to rally around the blue dogs and help them. @lokeatul photographed these #? pups near the area where the dogs turned blue. Watch our #InstagramStory to see more of @lokeatul’s photos of stray #dogs in #Mumbai, and to learn more about what happened when a community in Mumbai turned out to help the canines.


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