アレックス・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(alexjohnson89) - 10月11日 08時24分

Oh, Inge. You fucking badass. You were too rad for this world. You and Hayden both were. The first time we met I watched you absolutely HIKE some 5.14 on the Rodeo Wave at Wild Iris. You came down and immediately jumped on some 13c or d next to it and hiked that, too. Last summer's deep water solo event at The New was so fun. Until you, me and @tylerwillcutt watched "Deliverance" and I was too afraid to go outside at night for the rest of the trip... God you were so kind, and sarcastic, and funny, and warm. Your voice was so open and friendly. When we were climbing up at the Iris this summer you said there are things that matter in life much more than climbing. You said you'd never trade a couple of beers and a night of memories with friends for sending your project the next day. That those moments are what matter in life. You and #HaydenKennedy lived life the same way; full of kindness, spirit, passion, and a sense of humor. It literally feels like we just climbed together last week. Me dangling on my project that you'd sent years ago, you trying to pull me back into the wall after whipping. This doesn't feel real. All I can say right now is thanks for all the belays and the laughs. Here's to all the moments that are more important than sending. The world is darker without you both. I'll miss you, friend.


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