10歳になった君へ 10歳のお誕生日、おめでとう。 君は本当に立派に育ってくれたね。 今ではこんなに立派に育ってくれたけど、小さい頃は腕白坊主で本当に大変だったんだよ。 今日みたいな雨の日の夜、君は飛び出してきた大きなカエルを口で捕まえてママをびっくりさせたよね? その後カエルの毒に侵されて病院に担ぎ込まれてすごい大変だったんだよ。 大きな先輩犬にちょっかい出した日は、こっぴどく叱られてぶん投げられた時は泣きべそかいて家に帰ったよね。 玄関のドアが開いてるすきに外に飛び出してママを大慌てさせたり、とにかく大変だったんだよ。 そんなわんぱく坊主が今や世界中に笑顔を届けるようになるなんて、全く想像出来なかったよ。 この10年間君は色んな人に愛されてきた。 これからの10年間は恩返しをしないといけないね。 君たち犬の世界はまだまだ人間と平等に暮らせているとは言えないね。君より不幸な犬の友達は世界中に沢山いるよね。 その友達を少しでも助ける事が出来るのであれば、僕は全力でサポートするよ。 最高にクールな10年にしようね。 僕の役目 君がいきている証を残そう 僕は君の記録係。 大人になった時にきっとわかるはず。 君がどれだけ多くの人に愛され、 多くの人に愛を与えたかという事を。 まる、お誕生日おめでとう。 To you who has turned 10 years old Happy 10th birthday. You really grew up wonderfully for me. You've grown up this wonderfully today but when you were small you were such a naughty boy that you gave me a hard time. On the night of a rainy day like today, you caught a large frog that jumped in the house in your mouth and gave your Mama a shock, remember? Then you got affected by the frog's poison that we had to carry you to the hospital, it was such a tough time. When you wanted to make friends with a large older dog, you got severely scolded at that you gave up and went home with a face that was about to cry. While the front door was open you'd fly outside and your Mama had to rush to come and get you. It was so hard, you know. I never imagined that such a naughty boy would now be making people smile around the world. In the span of 10 years you have been loved by different people. In the next 10 years we have to give love back. I still can't say that living in the dog world is equal to how humans live. There are still a lot of your friends who are unluckier than you in the world. If we can help your friends even a little, I will give support with all I can. Let's make the next 10 years the coolest ever. My role To leave proof that you were alive. I am your recordkeeper. I am sure you will understand when you become an adult. I want you to know how much you are loved by many people, and how much love you gave to many people. Maru, Happy Birthday. #まる10歳の誕生日

marutaroさん(@marutaro)が投稿した動画 -

まる(まるたろう)のインスタグラム(marutaro) - 10月20日 00時10分




To you who has turned 10 years old
Happy 10th birthday.
You really grew up wonderfully for me.
You've grown up this wonderfully today but when you were small you were such a naughty boy that you gave me a hard time.
On the night of a rainy day like today, you caught a large frog that jumped in the house in your mouth and gave your Mama a shock, remember? Then you got affected by the frog's poison that we had to carry you to the hospital, it was such a tough time.
When you wanted to make friends with a large older dog, you got severely scolded at that you gave up and went home with a face that was about to cry.
While the front door was open you'd fly outside and your Mama had to rush to come and get you. It was so hard, you know.
I never imagined that such a naughty boy would now be making people smile around the world.
In the span of 10 years you have been loved by different people.
In the next 10 years we have to give love back.
I still can't say that living in the dog world is equal to how humans live. There are still a lot of your friends who are unluckier than you in the world.
If we can help your friends even a little, I will give support with all I can.
Let's make the next 10 years the coolest ever.
My role
To leave proof that you were alive.
I am your recordkeeper.
I am sure you will understand when you become an adult.
I want you to know how much you are loved by many people, and how much love you gave to many people.
Maru, Happy Birthday.


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