lifeのインスタグラム(life) - 10月25日 02時47分

From the Oct. 23, 1944 issue of LIFE (73 years ago this week): "THE COLORADO: A Wild And Beautiful River Is Put To Work For Man." This photo essay included 13 pages of colorful images by LIFE staff photographer Dmitri Kessel. This image ran with the following caption: "The Source of the river is this icy stream filled with speckled trout, 10,000 feet high in Rocky Mountain National Park in northern Colorado and a mile west of the Continental Divide. The waters from snow-fed mountain springs are helf back briefly by a beaver's dam (foreground) before plunging on their 1,445-mile journey to the Gulf of California. The river has many colors on its course, but here it is a clear, exhilarating blue. This whole region is a paradise for fishermen who can fill their creels in a few minutes of casting." (Dmitri Kessel—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #thisweekinLIFE #ColoradoRiver #Colorado


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