ヴィッキー・パティソンのインスタグラム(vickypattison) - 11月16日 03時50分

Today was possibly one of the best days of my life... I took my first proper steps towards being a proper bride with the most fantastic people around me!!! Huge, huge thanks to the wonderful women who guided me through the experience at both @theweddingclub1 and @suzanneneville... I'm so lucky!! But most of all THANKYOU to this beautiful lot who came with me today- supported me and we're just adorable! @thebeautybom @raywooldridge and @mammypatto!! Also to @x1mnx who didn't want to be in the picture but was so cute all day!
Wish you'd been there @laurajpattison ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



