Karan B.のインスタグラム(sendingstache) - 11月17日 04時18分

I’ve got a stationary bike which my dogs despise. They don’t even go near it when it’s not being used. They also hate when I remain motionless and don’t make eye contact, as if I’m asleep. They end up jumping on me to try and “wake me up.” Clearly I have a lot of time on my hands because today I pretended to fall asleep on it just to see how long it took them to build the courage to come “wake me up” while I was on the bike. Approximately 3 minutes, which doesn’t sound like long, but you try playing dead in a bicycle saddle without padded cycling shorts for that long...it wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be.
Oh, and here’s a shot of some rocks.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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