ソフィア・ブッシュのインスタグラム(sophiabush) - 12月12日 01時34分

I spent the weekend in the woods. Breathing fresh air that was so crisp it shocked my lungs. Listening to the song of creaking of trees, swaying in the wind. Watching snow fall. Discovering animal tracks and wondering where their days might lead them.

All of this reconnects me to what I already know but can sometimes forget. Nature reminds us of our place. Our purpose. It is the most valuable resource, and deserves our respect and reverence. It buckles me at the knee and makes me worship.

The sheer beauty of it evokes gratitude, and a simultaneous sadness. Knowing that there are “leaders” among us who want to sell off every pristine landscape for an immediate profit, while forsaking the beauty we could leave behind for our children and our children’s children? The deepest part of my soul utters a convicted “no.” We cannot allow this. Even thousands of miles away, I recognize the irrefutable sacred and I #StandWithBearsEars. Please stand with me. With all of us. @protectbearsears #Din ✊?


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