ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 12月19日 22時51分

Pulling up stakes and leaving behind family have been recurring themes in Mariama Toe’s life. “I knew you never get comfortable because you have to leave,” the 24-year-old said. When she was 6, Mariama moved to the U.S. from Ghana with her father’s girlfriend, Marie Yawo, and Marie’s 3 daughters. But when Marie died, Mariama and the girls were placed in the care of a relative of theirs who she said made her feel like an outsider. “I quickly started detaching myself,” she said. “I started looking elsewhere for family and love.” Eventually, Mariama was placed in foster care. At 15, she got pregnant and had an abortion. “A lot of people didn’t know I was hurting,” she said. Then things began to turn around: Mariama moved in with a former neighbor, Lakema Freeland, who soon became her legal guardian. In 2011, Lakema sponsored Mariama, allowing her to acquire a green card. And this past August, Mariama started her first semester at @buffalostate. She’d like to become a guidance counselor. “I feel like I can help guide a child better if I can talk to them more on a personal level and a one-on-one level,” said Mariama, who was photographed here by @mustafahussainofficial. | @childrensaidnyc, one of the 8 organizations supported by the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ Neediest Cases Fund, used $250 from the fund for gift cards so Mariama could buy necessities for her dorm room.


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