ジョシュ・ブローリンのインスタグラム(joshbrolin) - 12月30日 21時49分

Looking into 2018 wondering where you’re going to go. I have no resolutions as I’ll take on each day on its own accord, as its own lifetime. All my ambitions live in this idea that today I will do the best I can, look out for someone in need, stand up to what I consider unfair or bully, make a little kid laugh, love my wife through each uncertainty and confidence, remind my friends they are part of the reason my life is as amazing as it is, reach out to my children and tell them I love them, praise where praise is do, get on my knees to humbly express my thanks, resort to the magic carpet ride of my imagination to colorize it a little further, and remember often that the circus is finite and so am I — we will close one day — so before we do, before I do, I want to turn it up to 11. All the way up to 11. #turnitupto11


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