近藤麻理恵のインスタグラム(mariekondo) - 1月3日 14時17分

"One of the best things I did for myself last year was get organized. I’m not talking about going to Target in January and buying all the bins and organizing totes. Last year I read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and implemented the KonMari organizing method throughout my entire house. ⠀

I can honestly say that getting my house in order was one of the best uses of my time last year. This January I do not feel the need to declutter or organize- because it’s already been done!"⠀

Thank you for sharing, @britcrawl! ⠀

What was one thing you did last year that made a difference, and what is one thing you will do in 2018 to make an even better difference? ⠀

#konmari #konmarimethod #sparkjoy #organized #declutter #declutteryourlife #tidy #organizetheworld


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