ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月5日 10時08分

@historiassencillas took this photo while en route to Punto, a popular beach on La Isla de la Juventud, or the Isle of Youth, in Cuba. La Isla is a world apart, even by Cuban standards. Almost every corner of the island hides an equally eccentric saga. Christopher Columbus weighed anchor there to find provisions on his 2nd voyage in 1494 and was mystified by its monstrous crocodiles and raucous bird life. Then, pirates hid in its coves, making it an inspiration for Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure Island.” It became an American territory in the early 1900s, and settlers with names like Chuck and Martha dug citrus orchards in townships called McKinley and Columbia. On its return to Cuba in 1924, the island entered its Devil’s Island phase, becoming home to Cuba’s most dreaded pre-revolutionary prison. Then, at the height of the revolution, Fidel Castro declared that it would become a unique Communist education center. Today, La Isla is embarking on yet another reinvention — as an #ecotourism destination. Visit the link in our profile to read more in @nytimestravel.


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