クラウディア・ロマーニのインスタグラム(claudia_romani) - 1月12日 02時28分

This post is to announce something that makes me happy !! I m a model.. yet I refuse to be categorized in one small branch .. what's the definition of model ? A model is a person with a role either to promote, display or advertise commercial products (notably fashion clothing in fashion shows), or to serve as a visual aid for people who are creating works of art or to pose for photography... The definition doesn't mention a shape , weight nor age .. just narrow minded people make fun of what doesn't fit conventional stats! I m curvy , I m real and I m myself .. and from now on an ambassador for @nonairbrushedme a great movement of great women .. showing REAL is what truly matters .. Let's show them some ❤ #claudiaromani #nonairbrushedme #curvyfit #hatersgetalife Follow ---> @nonairbrushedme


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