ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 1月12日 07時39分

“Miguel Rio Branco is both a photographer and a filmmaker, and I love the way the 20 images that comprise this iconic piece are like storyboards, representing the intersection of his work in photography and film. Each frame captures two boys engaged in capoeira, a highly stylized form of fighting that draws as much from ballet as karate. They are performing for the camera, and are simultaneously determined to ignore it.”—Sarah Meister, Curator, Department of Photography

Visit mo.ma/cisneros to explore more Latin American modern and contemporary works added to #MoMACollection thanks to the genorosity of the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (@CPPCisneros). #MoMACisneros #CisnerosContemporary #ColeccionCisneros

Image: Miguel Rio Branco (Brazilian, born 1946). “Blue Tango.” 1984. Twenty silver dye bleach prints. Gift of Patricia Phelps de Cisneros through the Latin American and Caribbean Fund in honor of Adriana Cisneros de Griffin. © 2018 Miguel Rio Branco


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