ヴィッキー・パティソンのインスタグラム(vickypattison) - 1月22日 05時21分

I know how hard it is to keep your eyes on the prize in January... it’s so easy to slip or revert back to bad Christmassy habits... (I personally could murder a baileys!! ???) However, I’m keen to stick to my healthy eating and feel great about myself again so I was pleased when my fabulous PT @robbie__thompson knocked this up... 1,500kcals a day for the average woman is a great amount to eat coupled with an active lifestyle if you want to lose weight and get fit! And as you can see here, it certainly doesn’t mean you’ll be hungry!
Eat little and often and eat to nourish your body but also, live a little too... a glass of wine here and there isn’t the end of the world! And carbs aren’t the enemy!
Treat you body like a furnace and feed it little and often, smaller meals and snacks regularly- constantly keeping that fire going. The fire being your metabolism... obvs.. (you all got that right?!!) And before anyone starts, yes it would be unreal if every meal was hand prepared, packed with fruit and veg, organically grown and sprinkled with fairy dust... but this is real life I suppose, people work, they have busy lives and sometimes- you just have to grab that boots sandwich!! Allow it!! ? ?? Anyway, good luck for your week ahead ladies and gents... and for more handy hints like this.. follow my boy @robbie__thompson.. He knows his stuff and is easy on the eye too! #winner ??


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