NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 2月17日 05時59分

This image from @europeanspaceagency/@NASAHubble Space Telescope shows the galaxy cluster PLCK G004.5-19.5. The large galaxy at the center is the brightest galaxy in the cluster, and above it a thin, curved gravitational lens arc is visible. This arc is caused by the gravitational forces of the cluster bending the path of light from stars and galaxies behind it, in a similar way to how a glass lens bends light.

Several stars are visible in front of the cluster — recognizable by their diffraction spikes — but aside from these, all other visible objects are distant galaxies. Their light has become redshifted by the expansion of space, making them appear redder than they actually are. By measuring the amount of redshift, we know that it took more than 5 billion years for the light from this galaxy cluster to reach us. The light of the galaxies in the background had to travel even longer than that, making this image an extremely old window into the far reaches of the universe.

Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, RELICS; Acknowledgement: D. Coe et al. #nasagoddard #space #science


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