ファーン・コットンのインスタグラム(fearnecotton) - 2月20日 19時52分

First yoga class I’ve managed to get to in yonks. Certainly beats flowing solo in my kitchen. Slight epiphany during too. I realised how recently I’m more focused on feeling ok just being me, with out the attachment of accolade, achievement, association or stuff. Culturally we’ve become so used to a subconscious way of believing ‘ I share, therefore I am’ and I know deep down I wanna get back to how we all thought 20 years ago...’i am, therefore I have the choice to share’. ( don’t worry the irony of this Instagram post has not gone amiss with me) I love to share and connect its more about knowing I’m completely fine without it too #yoga #HappyPlace


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




