thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 2月20日 22時30分

Photo by @nickcobbing // Deep crevasses break the surface of Kangerlussuaq glacier, on the south east coast of Greenland. This picture was taken from a camera fixed below a helicopter and triggered remotely. The image was made before drones became commercially available, remembering the terrain and the winds that day though, the photograph may not have been possible with a drone! Warmer temperatures and a loss of albedo (reflectance) have been recorded on the surface of many of Greenland’s large glaciers -including this one. This glacier has lost mass and is predicted to speed up, as atmospheric warming continues. Is the glacier this blue? Yes, as far as a digital camera sensor can render light reflected from ice. A lot of people ask me if I’ve turned the saturation of this image up -actually I desaturated this image slightly before posting. The blue colour comes from the denser ice with less air bubbles inside, which allows light to travel further into the ice absorbing the red part of the colour spectrum.

#ice #blue #glacier #greenland #adventure #aerial #crevasse #melting #adventure #aerial


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